Oy, what a week! Let’s kick back our heels a bit with some foodie and health-related news, mmkay?
Cat Catches Swine Flu (I’m not kidding!)
Kellogg’s finally agreed to take the very misleading “Helps your child’s IMMUNITY” banner off of Cocoa Krispies boxes. Listen, Cocoa Krispies helps no one’s immunity.
Flour Girl at Washington Post asks, “What’s in Your Cake Flour?“
Washington Post features top reader recipe picks for October – including fancy eggs, Italian vegetable stew, Moroccan chickpeas with apples and more!
Don’t miss out on some neat foodie events in the DC area this week – I’m looking at you, Chef Edwin!
Proper storage of leftover cheese makes it last a long time.
I could have used this auto-sealing coffee mug yesterday when I spilled coffee all over myself while driving.. fun!
And… loldog?

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