Hey there, DinnerCakes readers! It’s been about two months since our last theme week (Rainbow Week), and Chef Edwin and I thought it was time for another! I know people always say things like “I can’t believe it’s July already,” but seriously, I can’t believe we’re in the middle of summer! Because I was raised […]
Introducing Smoothie Week! How to Make Your Own Smoothies
Happy Fourth of July!
Hope you have a very happy and safe fourth of July full of cook-outs, cold ones and fireworks! Here are some photos of the last really great fireworks display I saw – two years ago at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom (Morgan and I were on our “Engagement Moon,” i.e. newly engaged). Enjoy your day, DC […]
Our 200th Post! Plus Red, White and Blueberry Trifle
Today is an exciting day at DinnerCakes because we get to celebrate! Not only is it our last work day before the start of a long holiday weekend, it’s also our 200th post! (Insert blaring trumpets here!) A lot has changed around here since Edwin and I first started documenting our culinary adventures, making messes […]
Crisp and Juicy Curry Chicken
We hope you all enjoyed Rainbow Week! It was a lot of fun for us to do. If you have suggestions about other themes you’d like to see, please let us know! And now a confession – this is my new favorite dinner recipe. I can’t believe that there was actually was a time when […]