Biscuit is ready for Halloween. What are you planning on making? We’re deciding between baking pumpkin rolls or pumpkin pie cupcakes…
Tags: biscuit, golden retriever, puppy
Biscuit is ready for Halloween. What are you planning on making? We’re deciding between baking pumpkin rolls or pumpkin pie cupcakes…
Tags: biscuit, golden retriever, puppy
Isn’t he precious. I just finished a series on what I’ll be serving at my house on Halloween. The only thing scarier than my clown braaaaains!, hobgoblin hamburgers and witches brew? The fact it’s all pretty healthy! Links to my menu are in this post.
P.S. your menu looks awesome. braaaaaains!
Heather, I repeat: why don’t you love me? I am ten minutes away…and love pumpkin tasting things/ any real food that does not involve the dining hall or Taco Bell.
Lindsey – Relax! I haven’t made anything yet 🙂