Summer is slipping away from us, and I find myself buying up all the fresh fruit I can find. Thankfully, pears won’t be going away just yet.
Pears are one of Morgan’s favorite fruits, but I don’t love the grainy, gritty sort of texture. Fortunately we’ve found that I’ll eat almost any fruit blended into smoothie form. Am I completely ridiculous? Yes.
Other things that I only like in certain forms:
- Tomatoes & onions are great… as long as they’re not raw!
- Raspberries are a treat… but not if it’s raspberry jam or sauce!
- Apricot jam is amazing on thumbprint cookies… but beware handing me an apricot or dried apricots!
- A good friend of mine, knowing that I love bananas, recently gave me some banana chips to try. Bleh! (Sorry, friend..)
- Fig Newtons – yes! Figs & fancy cheese – no!
The moral I’m suggesting in today’s story is to not immediately pass on something you typically don’t like if it’s in a new form (Yes, I’m laughing at the irony as I type this).
And on that note, I’m determined to open Edwin’s eyes to pumpkin this fall. So please, start passing your pumpkin recipes my way now. We’ve got our work cut out for us!
Makes two medium size smoothies.
1 pear, core removed
3/4 cup frozen cherries
1 frozen banana
1 cup milk
Combine ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth. For more thickness, add less milk – for less thickness, add more milk.
Figs and fancy cheese a no?! Weirdo. 😛
Hmm, good pumpkin recipe! Omg, I just remembered actually. I made this pumpkin pudding last year and it was so very tasty. A little too sweet for me, but other than that it was awesome. I'll have to find the recipe.
You are indeed a complicated woman, ghost baker!
Teapot – yes, please find the pumpkin pudding! man, I love pumpkin season.
Chef Ed – you have no idea!
1) Fig Newtons are amazing. Wes and I love figs so much that he planted two fig trees in the back yard for me!
2) Have you tried the pumpkin pie recipe from Art & Soul? I'm convinced that it has to be worlds better than regular pumpkin pie, which means that Wes might actually eat it. And if he eats it, anyone would love it! I'll test it and report back.