Food Photography – Popovers

Heather and I love to try all kinds of different recipes and styles. The world of food is so huge that there’s just so much out there to try. Of course, with trying new things come failure. Bread that doesn’t rise (grrr), chicken that’s too spicy, dishes that just plain burn… And for the most part we keep that to ourselves. Sure, there’s plenty to learn from failure, but a recipe on how NOT to make something isn’t all that helpful.

Sometimes you come across a cool idea that didn’t come out spectacular but didn’t absolutely fail either; like today’s photo of popovers. I made these using a recipe over at Bakers’ Banter that called them “guaranteed.” Sadly my result wasn’t as stellar as theirs but I really liked them nonetheless. They get their name from how they rise and “pop over” the edges. They are very light and fluffy, and very simple in flavoring. Consider trying it next time you need biscuits.



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